Amethyst Gemstone Jewelry In Dallas, TX
We are a premier provider of Amethyst Gemstone Jewelry in Dallas, TX. Shop our extensive collection of Amethyst Gemstone Jewelry today.

Stunning Amethyst Gemstone Jewelry
The most beautiful Amethyst gemstones available.
Often associated with calmness and peace of mind, Amethyst is believed to emanate both vigor and tranquility. As a quartz gemstone that is transparent in nature, it is credited for lending its wearer courage. Displaying sublime lavender hues, February’s birthstone is traditionally presented as a gift for the sixth wedding anniversary.
Long thought to bring health, luck, and wit, its name is derived from the Greek word A(not) Methykos (intoxicate). As such, it has long been associated with the power to prevent drunkenness and excessive passion. With its somber and smoky tones, Amethyst has long been a symbol of royalty. It has inspired poets and captivated legendary artists, including Leonardo Di Vinci, who insisted it quickens one’s intelligence.
Presenting in a pale pastel lilac with hints of deep purple, the Amethyst has won many a heart and champion over the ages. The ancient Egyptians carved it into pendants and amulets, often in animal form, like the scarab.
Amethyst Gemstone Jewelry in Dallas, TX
At The Diamond Factory we have a beautiful selection of radiant gemstone pieces to choose from, or you have the option to custom design and create your one-of-a-kind Amethyst gemstone jewelry. Whichever route you choose to go with, we make it easy to find “the one."
Amethyst Gemstone Jewelry in Dallas, TX
When you purchase an Amethyst Gemstone from The Diamond Factory, you will work with a member of our personal concierge team who will be available for any questions and to guide you through the entire process. We will help you with all aspects, from selecting your Amethyst Gemstone Jewelry to designing your setting, to ensure you've chosen your perfect piece.